Image Tools
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Artificial Intelligence in easy to use package. Smart machine learning techniques improved to the max. Tools for quick use.
Auto-tagging of fashion items, such as footwear, accessories, jewellery, clothing and underwear. Extract all attributes from the picture and recommend the best products.
Rich ready-to-use & customizable service for fashion e-commerce. Build your own fashion search & discovery system with hundreds of features and tags. Enable users to find products by pictures.
Automate fashion titles and descriptions with AI. Set rules, select tone and style (e.g., formal, trendy), and generate SEO-optimized texts. Highlight fabrics, fit, and style for improved visibility and search rankings.
Generate home decor and furniture titles and descriptions with AI. Set rules, choose tone and style, and create SEO-optimized texts that emphasize design, materials, and functionality, improving product engagement and visibility.
A collectible card pre-grading system based on surface, print lines, edges, corners & centering in accordance with standards such as PSA, BECKETT, or SGC.
Identify comic books, manga, and other comics with AI. Get detailed info such as name, issue name, number and date, publisher or edition.
Visual search can find the exact items or recommend similar pieces in your collection based only on their appearance, or combined with keywords.
Bring relevant and personalized product recommendations with true visual & similarity search. Match identical photos, eliminate duplicates & enrich galleries.
Bring relevant and personalized product recommendations with true visual & similarity search.
Let your visitors find items with reverse image search, which can be combined with object detection for more accurate results.
Group images from different sources (including user-generated content), remove duplicates, expand image collections, or add tags & metadata of existing products to new items based on their similarity.
Automatic prediction of values and grades from images. Typically used to predict values on a scale, such as a person’s age. It can also be used to grade the quality of images or items in them.
is image recognition & visual search technology
of research at technological university
of contribution to the Open Source
of application in the image business